Update Notes
January 23, 2025
Update 6.17 - Greene Family's Pocket Watch

Contents in this article are taken from a test version and could be subject to change for the final version. When this happens, we will inform you.

Update 6.17 should be available sometime between January 24 (10:00 UTC) and January 26 (14:00 UTC).

Expanding Heirlooms

Heirloom names have been changed in format. Where an Heirloom name first consisted of the name of the Heirloom (example: Friendship Bracelets), it's now changed to the name of the Heirloom followed by the hero (example: Friendship Bracelets (Daryl)). This allows us to use specific Heirlooms on multiple heroes, further making use of the lore that specific Heirlooms have.

The first Heirloom to make use of this is the Greene Family's Pocket Watch, renamed to Greene Family's Pocket Watch (Maggie) and now introduced as Greene Family's Pocket Watch (Riot Gear Glenn).

Heirloom: Riot Gear Glenn

Greene Familyâs Pocket Watch-1.png

It's been a while, but our 4th hero to receive an Heirloom is here! Besides Daryl, Rick, and Maggie, you can now find a new Heirloom for Riot Gear Glenn (Bruiser). The Walking Dead showed us that Hershel gave Greene's Family's Pocket Watch to Glenn as a wedding gift to Maggie. While Maggie has been using it in-game for a while already, it's Riot Gear Glenn's turn to also show what he can do with it! 

To use Greene Family’s Pocket Watch, you must have unlocked Maggie, Riot Gear Glenn, and Hershel.

Pocket Watch

At Level 1:

Reduces fire damage taken by {1}%. Deal an additional {2}% damage to burning enemies.

Added at Level 5:

35% chance to trigger burning damage and Maggie's Scorch instantly when attacking burning enemies.

Added at Level 10:

The chance of triggering burning damage on Charge attacks increases to 100%.

Added at Level 15:

When attacking burning enemies and triggering burning damage, there is a 50% chance to stun target(s) for 1 turn.

Heirloom values


Upgrade costs


Buff: Maggie (Hunter)


Maggie is going to be important this year, as TWD: Dead City season 2 is approaching. Let's give her some more power! We gave a spin to her Scorching mechanic, and made it a bit stronger.

Leader Trait

Harvest Red

(New part in Italic)

Maggie's kills are worth {0}% more Experience. When igniting burning target(s), Maggie has a {1}% chance to [Scorch] them. Scorching lasts {2} turn(s). As a leader, every team member shares the bonus.

Scorch: Scorching causes the target(s) to take +{3}% total HP as additional damage. Additional damage for scorching can stack up to 2 layers. Scorch ignores fire damage reduction.

Level 8 Unlock: Scorch chance is raised to 75%, with layers adding a 10% damage boost
Level 10 Unlock: Damage boost of Scorch layers is raised to 15%




Maggie's Heirloom, Greene Family's Pocket Watch (Maggie), has been buffed, and matches Glenn's Heirloom in terms of formatting, granting bonuses on higher levels.

At Level 1:

Overwatch attack total damage is increased. Has a {0}% chance to ignite the target(s) if the weapon's incendiary trait does not take effect. Scorching chance is raised to 40%.

Added at Level 5:

Scorching chance is raised to 50%.

Added at Level 10:

Scorching chance is raised to 75%. The duration of Scorch is increased by 1 more turn(s).

Added at Level 15:

Ignition chance is raised 75%. Scorching chance is raised to 100%.



[Reminder] What are Heirlooms?


To enhance the overall gaming experience in NML, we aim to strengthen the connection between characters based on the classic storyline. As part of this effort, we are planning to improve some of the early-introduced heroes to align their traits and strengths more closely with the original TWD stories.

Thus, we came up with this new 'Heirlooms' feature. Heirlooms contain buffs for certain heroes, upgradable through Hero tokens for said Hero and the Hero they have a connection with, as well as new Heirloom badges and some Gold.

Where to find the Heirlooms?

You can find the Heirlooms in Heroes’ detailed page. It’s next to the hero's name and indicated by the icon displayed above.


How to use a Heirloom

To start using a Heirloom, you first need to unlock the two heroes related to the Heirloom. While one of the characters is the hero who can benefit from the Heirloom's powers, they can only do so by sharing the bond they have with the other character. Example: to use the Heirloom 'Friendship Bracelets', you first need to unlock Daryl (owner of the Heirloom) and Guardian Carol (the strong bond related to the Heirloom).

The starting level of a Heirloom is 0. You have to upgrade it once to unlock it, then you can equip it to the specified Hero. Once it’s equipped, the Heirloom will automatically activate in all missions. Upgrading an Heirloom can be done through Gold, Hero Tokens, and Heirloom Badges up to level 15 (the current maximum level). It's also possible to unequip the Heirloom.


Heirloom Badge

The Heirloom Badge is an item that is used to upgrade Heirlooms at certain levels. You can obtain Heirloom Badges from Challenge Mode and Campaigns.


Summarizing video

A video by RealScotticus explains how to use Heirlooms in full detail.


While we are still working on UI optimization, our very first small step is to have a new button called ‘Itinerary’, which lists the last 3 announced features in one category (Negan’s Deal, Morgan’s Clear, and Rick’s Survival Supply (previously announced as ‘3-day login event’))


New Doomsday Maps

We aim to have a new Doomsday Mapset with each update to swap them around and offer more variety. Before we can configure it as the new mapset for you to enjoy during a Doomsday Challenge week, we’d like to run some internal tests to prevent any issues. We hope to offer the mapset included in this update to you as soon as possible.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Added Blueprint icons to the Item List
  • Optimized the Seasonal Mission order for starters
  • Enabled heroes deployed in Outpost available in other in-game battles
  • Fixed the issue with Challenge Stars exceeding the limits and further affecting the Leaderboard.
  • Fixed the issue with Fighter Rosita with an infinite attack to the walkers within the range when running out of Action Points.
  • Fixed the issue with Gore not functioning when Fighter Rosita attacked and had 0.5 action points remaining.
  • Fixed the issue with the missing icon when using the max Speed-up token for Survivor upgrade.
  • Fixed the issue with the wrong gas icon when running out of Gas.
  • Fixed the issue with the game not responding after clicking My Data in Settings - Account & Services.
  • Fixed an issue with the PPK’s ‘Bone Crusher’ status.
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